To celebrate faculty accomplishments locally and statewide by 1) encouraging MiraCosta faculty to apply for ASCCC Awards and, using the criteria of those awards, selecting nominees to be forwarded to the state level; and 2) developing and implementing local faculty awards for presentation during campus-wide ceremonies; and 3) facilitating other nomination processes for faculty awards as they arise.
Committee Structure
Academic Senate committee with five members
- Academic Senate Coordinating Officer serves as chair during their two-year term
- Two full-time and two associate faculty serve two-year terms
The Academic Senate Faculty Awards committee meets as needed based on award timelines and member availability. Meetings are held in person and, if also via Zoom, in accordance with AB 2449. See posted agendas for details including Zoom link if available.
2024-25 Meeting Dates, agendas & Minutes
Statewide ASCCC Awards
Typical Timeline
- Mid-May - Announcement for Fall submission
- Mid-September - Call for nominations
- Mid-October - Applications due to Faculty Awards Chair
- October - Nomination before Senate
- November - Packet to ASCCC
MiraCosta Winners
- Ethnic Studies Program (2023)
Hayward Award for "Excellence in Education"
Typical Timeline
- Early October - Call for nominations
- Early November - Applications due to Faculty Awards Chair
- December - Nomination before Senate
- December - Packet to ASCCC
MiraCosta Winners
- Katrina Tamura (Noncredit ESL 2024)
- Edwina Williams (Sociology 2018)
- Anjeanette Oberg (Psychology 2016)
- Sylvia Ramirez (Noncredit ESL 2011)
- Terry LaCroix (Automotive Technology 2000)
- David Megill (Music 1996)
Stanback-Stroud Diversity Award
Typical Timeline
- November - Call for nominations
- Early January - Applications due to Faculty Awards Chair
- January - Nomination before Senate
- February - Packet to ASCCC
MiraCosta Winners
- Edwina Williams (Sociology 2024)
Local Award
Typical Timeline
- February - Call for nominations
- March - Nominations due to Faculty Awards Chair
- April - Winner(s) announced at Spring Celebration of Excellence
See the Leon Baradat Service Award page for award details, including prior award winners.
Committee Membership 2024-25
- Jim Julius (Chair)
- Robin Allyn (Associate Faculty)
- Janeen Apalatea
- Eduardo Mariscal
- Susan Pynes (Associate Faculty)
Contact Information
- Committee Chair, Jim Julius