To log into MyFlex and record your Flex hours, click on the PDP WEBSITE ON CANVAS link above.
Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Flex Schedules
The Flex schedule is a living document and continual work in progress! Keep checking
back for a look at the schedule. Zoom links, All College Day information, and workshop
recordings, will be updated on the Flex schedule as received.
Professional Development is more than just a Flex obligation!
"Reconsider what professional development can mean for you and your colleagues as
we work together to create what college looks like for students post-pandemic."
Associate Faculty ~ Deadline to Report Professional Development/Flex Hours for the
the Spring 2025 semester is Saturday,
April 18, 2025.
You may include hours for anticipated activities through the last day of the semester,
May 22, 2025.
Carryover hours from the Fall to the Spring Semester (only)
If you taught in the Fall semester and have more hours than you needed to meet your
Flex obligation, you may carryover those hours to the next Spring semester in that
same academic year. Record those extra hours on your fall MyFlex transcript. Please
read and follow the step-by-step instructions for carrying over hours, very carefully.
Visit our Canvas Website ~ to LOG into MyFlex to record your Flex hours, find Dates and Deadlines, Propose a Flex Workshop, Project Joy, Find Resources / Opportunities for Professional Development, the Teaching and Learning Center (C3), Forms, Information, and much more...
- PDP is the acronym for the Professional Development Program at MiraCosta College: an effort to provide faculty with a comprehensive and systematic program of activities and resources designed to foster staff, student, and/or instructional improvement.
- The PDP Committee develops the local policies and procedures pursuant to our participation in the state's Flexible Calendar Program, a privilege afforded to community colleges whereby instructional time can be replaced by "flex" time on the academic calendar. Thus, PDP-sponsored activities are sometimes referred to as "flex" activities or activities done for "flex" credit.
- The program also sponsors workshops during flex week and throughout each semester, develops the flex calendar, maintains a library of resources and equipment for faculty use, offers funds to support travel to and participation in professional development activities, assists faculty with maintaining their flex transcripts, and provides access to other relevant resources!