Long Term Disability
The LTD benefit pays 66.33% of an eligible employee’s monthly earnings to a maximum of $7,000 per month. There is a 90 day waiting period. The District pays 100% of the premium.
- Certificated Employee with 5 or more years of service with the District
- Certificated Employees with less than 5 years of service with the District
- Permanent Classified Employees
Insurance Carrier: The Hartford
Short Term Disability
This benefit provides a source of income if you are unable to work due to a short-term illness or injury. To be eligible for this benefit, you must work at least 30 hours per week in a benefit eligible position.
Grandfathered Plans
- AFLAC Disability Plan Summary (Plan 2) (closed to new enrollments/changes)
- AFLAC Disability Plan Summary (Plan 1) (closed to new enrollments/changes)
- How to File a Claim
Plan Highlights
- Fourteen day waiting period for absences due to illness
- Immediate benefit for absence due to injury
- Max $2,000 monthly benefit for up to six months
- Benefit paid regardless of any other insurance
- Cannot replace more than 80% of your gross annual salary
- One year waiting period if disability is caused by a pre-existing condition
- Ten month waiting period for pregnancy
- Excludes work injuries
- Taxable benefit if paying for plan with District allowance
Insurance Carrier: AFLAC
Representative: Heather Seau
This summary of benefits is informational only and is not a complete description of all applicable conditions. Coverage and plan offerings are subject to change in subsequent years pursuant to District policy.