You have questions? We have answers.

Admissions and Records
What do I do after I apply?
How do I register for classes?
How do I pay fees?
Additional Admissions and Records FAQs.
Save time and ORDER YOUR TRANSCRIPT ONLINE Check your SURF account for any pending tasks and information on how to register for classes.

Financial Aid
Need money for college?
What’s the status of my financial aid payment?
What is BankMobile Disbursements?
Additional Financial Aid FAQs.
Save time and check your SURF Tasks list for any additional information that is needed to process your financial

Not sure what classes to take?
Interested in a degree or certificate?
Looking for new skills to land your dream job?
Need an education plan?
If you are a new student, save time and START HERE. Use your MyEdPlan in SURF to plan your classes and ensure you are taking the required classes for your area of study.

Student Help Desk
Where can I get help logging into my SURF account?
Why won’t my password work?
Why can I not get into Canvas?
Save time and check out these quick and easy tutorials about how to access your academic records, obtain your financial aid updates, register for a class, complete orientation, what to do if you are waitlisted, and much more.
Still have questions?
Check out these additional resources: