Here at the Writing Center, we have many ways for you to get feedback on your writing assignments, all free! You can drop in to work with us on campus or through Zoom, you can make an appointment, or get feedback in a video. Whether you come visit us in-person or online, you'll be able to work on your writing, ask for feedback, socialize with others, and get those papers written for your classes. We also have breakout rooms in Zoom for your group meetings. We're here for you!
Where Can I Get Tutoring or Writing Feedback?
Courses we Support
At the Writing Center, students can write, read, revise, and practice speeches or presentations, all with the guidance of writing consultants. Check the Drop-in Schedule By Course to the left for times we are available for drop-in support. We provide support for any writing assignment at any stage of the process for any class, including personalized grammar lessons, and help creating those vital personal statements for scholarship and transfer. You can also upload a paper from a class assignment and receive brief video-based writing feedback, where a coach talks about your paper and shows you how to improve it on-screen.
Student Review
Writing Center Anti-Racist Mission Statement
The MiraCosta Writing Center exists to support students in their academic path and personal goals. We recognize students are whole individuals with complex, intersecting identities of race, culture and language. We also acknowledge that the foundation of the current educational institution has been based on the principles of whiteness and eurocentrism. These historical factors in our society have allowed systemic racism to create barriers and ignore the needs and experiences of underrepresented communities of color. As writing can be both a tool of empowerment and a tool of oppression, the Writing Center is uniquely positioned to honor the languages and identities that make our community and take action against racism and implicit and explicit biases that impact our community. We are committed to advocate for the inclusion of all people and take steps towards systematic change.
Statement Supporting Use of "They" as a Singular Pronoun
This is our position statement affirming the use of "they" as a singular pronoun, which includes support from the International Writing Centers Association, as well as other sources.